Also, we'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
December 03, 2008 -- Sorry for a month of hardly any updates! There's not been too much going on, but I updated the fanart page and wallpapers pages, as well as the news section and added the info about the New Years party to the live schedule! That's all for now~
October 12, 2008 -- Updated the news section with important information about the photobook.
Also we hope that everyone enjoyed the concert last night at AUSA, and that everyone going to the New York concert tomorrow night will enjoy themselves as well~
October 09, 2008 -- Updated Teru's ameblo blog again, and will be putting up Kamijo and Yuki translations soon too! Also, the boys have arrived safely in Washington D.C!! I hope everyone at AnimeUSA has a ton of fun!!
September 24, 2008 -- Updated with translations of Teru's ameblo blog and it is currently up to date at the moment!
September 23, 2008 -- Updated with a translation of PRINCE!
September 20, 2008 -- Updated fanart (other section) and wallpaper sections. Also updated the gallery section with scans of NOBLE. I'm very sorry that these scans took so long (I've been busy with school the past few weeks). I hope to have more scans by next weekend including scans of "A Noble Was Born in Chaos" cd booklet.
September 15, 2008 -- Updated news about Versailles' first photobook and their second pressing releases of NOBLE and Lyrical Sympathy!
September 14, 2008 -- Updated biography, live schedule, kamijo's ameblo translations as well as his OHP blog translations and updated the discography to add their coupling cd with chariots!
No lyrics for the song yet, as none were included with the CD itself. The lyrics were found on the OHP, so kanji and romaji lyrics for PRINCE are up now!
September 13, 2008 -- The news section has been updated about the band's name change.
August 19, 2008 -- I figured I would post this up here. If you are a member of the approved Versailles fanlisting: re-apply for membership. In the process of moving, all the member information was completely lost, and I have no idea how I can get it back. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I've also updated the news section with specifics on how to suggest a new name for the band.
August 17, 2008 -- Updated the news section with some important news. Please read it!
August 15, 2008 -- Okay, so as most of you noticed the site was down for about a day. Sorry about that! The reason was that I was transferring everything to a different host so it took a bit to come back up. But everything should be back up and running ^^
July 24, 2008 -- Just a small update to let you guys know that I've added a page under the Articles section with translations of Teru's ameblo blog. Enjoy!
July 21, 2008 -- First of all, Happy belated birthday, Kamijo!! Ok, with that done, I updated Kamijo's blog with translations from the lovely namidasensation! Teru's OHP blog is up to date now as well! Also, I updated the lyrics page with the Japanese and Romaji lyrics for NOBLE. Enjoy!
July 13, 2008 -- Sorry for the lack of updates. I've actually been pretty sick lately so this is a bit late. Both Neme and I were able to listen to the Tainted Reality radio show where they announced some good news about Versailles. They are coming back to the United States! You can read more in the news section. I was also able to updated the fanart section and Neme finished updating the discography section a few days ago~ So check it all out!
July 03, 2008 -- Oh! Yet another update...haha, I updated the discography section with the Noble album. There you can find a picture of the album cover as well as a tracklist.
July 03, 2008 -- The news section is updated with a few reminders and some new information. A link to Versailles song samples is available with the news so go check it out!
June 26, 2008 -- The wallpaper section of Graphics has been updated. We also have a new affiliate, Japan Roses ^^
June 19, 2008 -- The article section has been updated with a transcript of the Q&A panel at A-kon. Thank you to S for writing it all up and contacting us to use for the site. Neme and I went through it and tweaked and changed a few things around from what we also remembered from the panel so hopefully with all of us together it is correct. If you see anything that we may have missed, please let us know~
June 13, 2008 -- Blogs were updated and are currently up-to-date! (This includes updates to Yuki's blog, Jasmine You's personal blog, and Hizaki's blog).
June 05, 2008 -- Did everyone have fun at A-Kon 19 and the LA live?! Today I have updated the blogs sections (under articles). I made pages for everyone (including Jasmine You's personal blog) and added the blog posts I've done. There's not much on Kamijo, Hizaki, or Yuki's blogs yet, but I'll be slowly going back and translating as much as I can as well as trying to keep up with their posting! So I hope you guys will enjoy reading them.
May 24, 2008 -- Updated the Wallpaper and Other section with new wallpapers and one new fanart.
April 25, 2008 -- Updated the live schedule with new live dates and moved those that have passed to the bio page, and I also added all the fanart, wallpapers, and other graphics we've recieved so far. Thank all of you for your contributions thus far!! We'd love to see more of them!
April 24, 2008 -- News section has been updated.
April 21, 2008 -- News section has been updated. Also, the fanart section is having a bit of a problem. I accidently uploaded the old file so hopefully Neme will be able to change it back and we can add the other fanarts we have recieved. Sorry it is taking so long. We've been very busy lately.
April 2, 2008 -- Added japanese and romaji lyrics for A Noble Was Born in Chaos under lyrics!
March 29, 2008 -- Got Teru's blog translations up to date, updated the profiles with new images, added some more fanart under graphics / other, and updated the news section.
March 27, 2008 -- An important announcement regarding one of the European lives has been posted under news, and the live schedule page has been updated to reflect the change.
March 25, 2008 -- Added lyrics for Sforzando finally! Also updated the discography with an image for the crossgate release and added Cupia under the omnibus section.
March 19, 2008 -- Site renewal complete! If you notice any errors or the site doesn't show correctly for you, please contact me and let me know!
March 16, 2008 -- Site renewal! The site is being changed over to a new layout, so you might see some pages that haven't been done yet (though it's about 95% done). They will be done very soon! Pardon our dust, etc. :)
March 1st, 2008 -- Updated the gallery section with Versailles scans from Cure Vol.55. Also the updated the articles section with the translated interview from the same Cure.
February 26, 2008 -- Updated the news section with live information! Also, I am constantly updating Teru's blog page with translations to keep up with his live posts.
February 17, 2008 -- So the gallery section is back up and running and now Neme will be hosting the images. Please be respectful and do not hotlink. It's just rude. Otherwise, enjoy ^^
Updated magazine scan sections with scans of Teru from Cure Vol.54February 14, 2008 -- Added translations for Teru's blog! They're under the articles section. Also, updated the news section with a little tidbit of info.
February 14, 2008 -- It was brought to our attention by a viewer that the Discography section wasn't completely up-to-date. We are very sorry about that. We've been busy the past couple of weeks so we've been trying our best to keep the site updated with new news that we sometimes forget about the other sections. Very sorry about that! But it should be updated now ^^
Also a few people have been wondering about the gallery section. Since we HAVE found another hosting space to host the images, they should be up by the weekend! And sorry that is taking so long as well, but it really was a big issue that we needed to solve first before making the gallery section available for viewing once again.February 08, 2008 -- Updated the news section.
February 06, 2008 -- Updated the news section with releases and European tour information, and updated the live schedule.
January 28, 2008 -- Updated the other section under Media with a fanart.
January 23, 2008 -- Updated the news! Go look! ^-^
January 20, 2008 -- Updated the live schedule, biography, and news section.
January 19, 2008 -- Updated the article section with two translations from the generous inertia!
January 17, 2008 -- Updated news section with some BIG news!! Versailles in America!!!
January 10, 2008 -- Updated graphics section, under Wallpapers...1 new wallpaper added!
December 22, 2007 -- Updated news section, live section and bio page, and also added some more information about Kamijo's birthplace to the profile page. More updates to come soon, hopefuly. I know that it's still a bit early, but Happy Holidays, everyone~
December 20, 2007 -- Gallery section has been taken down until the end of the year. Sorry, but the bandwidth issue has only gotten worse since last month, and since the gallery section is a big contributing factor, I have to take it down to save the rest of my bandwidth for the rest of the month. It'll be back up again...but please STOP hotlinking. If you do not know what that means, it is taking the image urls straight from this site and posting them in an image code on another site or direct linking. So you are STEALING. I pay for this space, and you are stealing something that I've paid for. So unless you want to help pay for it, then I suggest you stop stealing.
That is all~December 17, 2007 -- Updated the Gallery section -- Magazines (Alive Vol.11). Also we have created a Livejournal community for announcing updates so if you're an LJ user you can know when we update the fansite -- join here.
December 9, 2007 -- Updated the Gallery section -- Magazines (Cure Vol.52)
December 04, 2007 -- Updated the live schedule and bio page.
December 1, 2007 -- Updated the Gallery section -- Magazines (Cure Vol.51), CDBooklets (Lyrical Symphony), and Other (Lyrical Symphony Extra)
November 27, 2007 -- I am holding off my scans to post this message. PLEASE READ! Do NOT hotlink to any of the files on this website. It's getting rediculous the amount of bandwidth my domain has gone through because of this fansite. If you want the scans or anything, save them and upload them to your own server or image hosting. You should NOT be reposting any of the things here anyway, if you want to show someone, link them to this site! If I find more people taking my scans and Neme's lyrics and posting them elsewhere I will have to take action. Please STOP!!! If the bandwidth of this site gets any higher, this fansite will have to close down.
November 20, 2007 -- Updated the News and Discography sections~
November 10, 2007 -- Updted Lyrics section with translations (T) thanks to CLJRecord's European release of Lyrical Symphony
November 04, 2007 -- Updated the Graphics, Wallpaper section with a wallpaper by Autumne Hyoushou. Also updated the Affiliate section with a new affiliate~
November 03, 2007 -- Updated live schedule, moved past lives to biography page, and updated profiles with a bit of info on Jasmine You.
October 31, 2007 -- Updated lyrics section with Lyrical Sympathy's lyrics!
October 11, 2007 -- Updated the news section.
September 28, 2007 -- Magazine section of Gallery has been updated with scans from Cure Vol. 50.
September 15, 2007 -- Updated the news section.
September 09, 2007 -- Updated the news section and the discography section.
September 03, 2007 -- Updated the news section.
September 02, 2007 -- Updated the gallery section with new magazine scans.
September 01, 2007 -- Updated the news section and live schedule.
August 15th, 2007 -- Updated the news section (mini-album release news!!) and live schedule section!
August 11th, 2007 -- The gallery has been updates with scans from Cure Vol.48 and V Rock Star (10th Anniversary MUCC cover)
July 30th, 2007 -- GRAND OPENING~ The site is now open. We will try our best to keep this site as updated as possible. Most of the sections are up, but some sections are still in the works, so please be patient. Thank you ^^
July 30th, 2007 -- GRAND OPENING~ The site is now open. We will try our best to keep this site as updated as possible. Most of the sections are up, but some sections are still in the works, so please be patient. Thank you ^^