What is the main difference between concerts in America and concerts in Japan?
Yuki: American fans are extremely enthusiastic.
For Hizaki: You did some work with Kaya on Carmilla. Would you consider working with him again?
Hizaki: Pleased to meet you. I am Hizaki. Given the opportunity, I would love to work with him again.
Hizaki and Teru: How much would I have to practice to be as good as you?
Teru: Practice from the moment you get up in the morning, and then maybe you'll be as good.
Hizaki: But remember that you have to consider practice fun, not something you have to do.
Teru: --And no parties on the weekends!
What inspires you in your music?
Kamijo: All your smiling faces.
Teru: In your last band, you had the stage role of a girl. What inspired you to change from the role of the girl to the young boy?
Teru: Well, in my heart of hearts, I'm still a boy, so I decided to be the boy.
Kamijo: You have already accomplished so much in your music through this and your other bands. Is there anything else you would like to accomplish?
Kamijo: There is much I would still like to accomplish.
If you could be any other band member, who would you be?
Kamijo: *takes the mic and says very pointedly* Kamijo.
Jasmine: Teru, because he's so cute.
Teru: Yuki.
Yuki: Hizaki.
Hizaki: Yuki
Has there ever been a moment at a live that left a deep impression on you?
Teru: In general, the screaming of the crowd.
Jasmine: Yesterday's performance. I really felt the love of the crowd.
Hizaki: Yesterday, the moment we started playing, really left an impression on me.
Yuki: Well, since I'm always in the back, when everyone else is off the stage at the end and I finally get to see everyone's faces--at every performance--leaves a big impression on me.
Kamijo: When everyone started waving their arms back and forth and singing together last night *he demonstrates*. It felt wonderful.
Since there is no Visual Kei in America, what inspires your outfits in Japan?
Kamijo: If there is no Visual Kei in America, I would like to be the first Visual Kei in America!
How long does it take to get ready for a concert?
Kamijo: Uuhhh...three days.
What other bands, Japanese or American, would you like to go on tour with?
Yuki: The American band Dream Theatre.
Kamijo: Moi Dix Mois.
You were talking earlier about coming to Texas and trying on Cowboy hats. Which ones out of you all have done that, yet?
Kamijo: Well, when I was little, I would make a cowboy hat out of shampoo...
What does it feel like seeing cosplayers of yourselves in the audience? Note: there was a Jasmine, a Kamijo, a Teru, and a few Hizaki cosplays in the room.
Teru: Very happy. Thank you.
Jasmine: It's perfect!
Kamijo: I love it!
Hizaki: It's the happiest thing.
Yuki: Very happy. I love it. Thank you.
Kamijo: What is your greatest influence, musically?
Kamijo: John Williams and Paul Mauriat.
Jasmine: How long does it take to get your hair to do that?
Jasmine: Three hours in the bath and six hours working on my hair.
What is your favorite song to perform?
Kamijo: The Love from a Dead Orchestra
Teru: The Red Carpet Day
Jasmine: Sympathia
Hizaki: The Renevant Choir
Yuki: Zombie *he says it in a zombie-ish voice*
I've noticed that there seems to be similarity between the sound of your music and X Japan. Has there been any influence from them?
Yuki: Certainly there has been a great deal of influence from X Japan, and I don't know if you would recognize *name of a band I didn't quite get, but no one recognized it*
What do you do in your spare time?
Hizaki: Writing music, but then again, that's work...
Yuki: Stretching out my drums, but then again, that's also work...but after that, drinking!
Jasmine: Driving.
Kamijo: Going to cafes.
Teru: Recording my own music at home, alone.
What other instruments would you like to play, if you could?
Teru: Drums, because I like the fast beat.
Jasmine: Dancing.
Kamijo: Piano
Hizaki: Vocals
Yuki: Violin
What inspired you to get into Visual Kei music?
Kamijo: All kinds of wonderful things...including women.
Kamijo: What was it like being a roadie for Malice Mizer?
Kamijo: They were incredible.
When did you decide to dedicate your life to music, and why?
Kamijo: I've never thought about it that way, but maybe I'll start.
Jasmine: In one of your interviews in the past, you said you were an alien--
Kamijo: *English* ALIEN! *starts looking around with wide eyes* *in English* Sorry. It's a joke.
What planet are you from?
Jasmine: The planet Jasmine.
What influence do you hope to give to other Visual Kei bands?
Kamijo: I would like things to be as free as possible, with less strict fashions.
What animal do you think would describe you the best?
Teru: *English* Siberian Husky
Hizaki: I have a persian cat at home, and I'm starting to resemble the cat more and more.
Yuki: Polar Bear
Jasmine: Alien
Kamijo: Um...*tries to say something and gets stuck* *English* Sorry...
This lady took forever asking about a syncopated rhythm and how she noticed it was constant in the songs. She started clapping it, and Hizaki clapped along with, much to the amusement of the crowd. She finally got to the point and asked why that rhythm was the one they ended up with, but she just could not say what she meant!
Yuki: It's important to blend the rhythm with the vocal melody, and that just happened to be the best way to do it.
When you started out, did you ever think you would be this big, with women screaming all over you?
Teru: I didn't care what happened. I just wanted to be happy. Anything else is just a bonus.
Hizaki: *starts to giggle* I hadn't thought...boys would be screaming over me.
Kamijo: *leans back casually* Of course women scream for me. *They proceed to prove him right*
Jasmine: As an alien, I thought most humans would be afraid of me, but I'm glad to recieve such a warm welcome.
Kamijo: I notice through the way you dress and the way you act, it seems to be reminiscent of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Are you familiar with those books, and have they influenced you at all?
Kamijo: Yes, I am very familiar with the Vampire Chronicles. I love them!
What was your strangest fan experience?
Kamijo: In my previous band, Lareine, I was walking down the street on my cell phone, and a bunch of girls started making fun of it. They were like, "It's too big! It's too big!" So, now I'm embarrassed to walk down the street and talk on my cell phone.
What part of Japan are you from?
Kamijo: The town of flowers. It's true.
Teru: Kyoto
Hizaki: Kyoto
Jasmine: My "earth home" is Nagoya.
Yuki: *for reasons you'll understand in a minute, I won't tell here, but at this point, everyone in the band started cracking up and pointing at him.* It's kind of a joke...
Kamijo: It's the first time he's admitted to it, *english* but it's a secret in Japan, so no telling!
How did you come up with the band name, "Versailles"?
Kamijo: It was a name that Hizaki had always wanted to use, but the members of his previous band always made fun of him for it. We, however, were glad to use it.
Hizaki: What do you consider to be your best and favorite work?
Hizaki: Versailles--I believe I have put my heart and soul into every single song.
Kamijo: What song do you like to perform best, outside of the Versailles songs?
Kamijo: Metamorphose
What kind of Gear do you use?
Hizaki: Our guitars and bass are from E.S.P.
Yuki: The drums are from Tama, a japanese maker.
Kamijo: I'm a Mac person, and I use *a bunch of software the translator doesn't bother with*
What first attracted you to the Visual Kei style of clothing?
Kamijo: Seven hundred years ago...the fashions of that time.
Jasmine: I heard you do magic tricks, and I wonder if you could do one?
Jasmine: *gives a teasing tug at one of the ruffles on his sleeve* Come to Japan, and I shall show you.
What is your favorite alcohol or mixed drink?
*the mic goes straight to Yuki*
Yuki: Whiskey
Hizaki: Red Wine
Kamijo: Cafe latte
Teru: Umeshu (plum wine)
Jasmine: Jasmine tea and shochu mix
If you play video games, what games do you play?
Teru: Super Mario Brothers
Hizaki: The Dragon Quest Series
Yuki: Final Fantasy
If you could cover one song, what song would you cover?
Hizaki: Walk by Pantera
Teru: Mouth for War by Pantera *the translator didn't get this one; one of the fans did*
If you could be any fairytale character, who would you be?
Kamijo: *to the girl who asked the question* Very pretty voice. *laughter* I think Hizaki would be Kaguyahime --the Sky Princess (the Bamboo princess, but the name
literally means shining princess). *he then quotes something from an ancient Japanese fairytale the translator doesn't get*
If you could choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
Kamijo: *very loudly and with great inflection to his
voice* Bonjour, honey!
Teru: Metal
Jasmine: Erotic
Yuki: Double bass kick
Hizaki: Love
What is your favorite thing about America?
Teru: Texas
Hizaki: *takes the mic, looks like he's going to say something and then hands it to Yuki*
Yuki: I like the meat here!
Hizaki: Metallica
Kamijo: *after leaning back and putting his hand to his lips as though pondering the question, resulting in much laughter and a few cheers* ...*waves his hand across the room* All of you.
Jasmine: America is the Land of Dreams.
PIRATE OR NINJA? *I know enough Japanese that I could hear the translator telling them it's a big joke at A-Kon...it was hilarious*
Jasmine: Ninja
Teru: I love the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies, so I love pirates!
Kamijo: *completely one-ups Teru by leaning back and saying very smoothly and in perfect English* I...like...Johnny Depp.
Hizaki: *pretty much one-ups Kamijo by taking the mic and saying, in the same tone of voice and again in perfect English* I...like...*cracks up* sushi!
Yuki: Well, since I was small, I've always said, someday I'm going to be a ninja!
Since this was your first appearance in North America, are there any plans for a North American tour?
Kamijo: Where would you like us to come?
*somebody* You can stay in my room!
Kamijo: *considers this* *English* Ok, I'll go.
Kamijo: Do you know just what kind of effect your voice has on women?
Kamijo: Does your heart go pitter-pat? *flutters his hand over his chest*
Kamijo: What is your favorite John Williams work?
Kamijo: I don't remember the name, but I heard it at the end of the movie The Terminal, and then in a commercial.
*same girl* Do you like Star Wars?
Kamijo: Well, that's the future...and I'm an antique...I'm more a fan of fantasy than sci-fi, but I do have a lot of respect for Steven Spielberg.
What is the best quality of the band member sitting to your right? (at this point, I should mention that, left to right, they're sitting Jasmine-Teru-Kamijo-Hizaki-Yuki)
Yuki: *after Hizaki hands him the mic and strokes his shoulder with a huge aaaawwwww~! from the audience* *about Hizaki* He's so cute!
Hizaki: *about Kamijo* He has an incredible imagination.
Kamijo: *turns to Teru and tells him, in English, to stand up. When he does, Kamijo points to Teru's bare stomach, resulting in a giant SHRIEK and much clapping from the girls in the audience. Teru becomes embarrassed and sits back down*
Teru: *about Jasmine* His eroticism.
Jasmine: *he has a good deal of trouble figuring out that it's Yuki he should be talking about* He's such a dandy!
What is your favorite color?
Teru: *english* Silver
Kamijo: *english* Blue
Hizaki: Red
Yuki: Deep green
Jasmine: Black, red, purple, and gold
Hizaki: Any words of advice for guitarists who would like to be as good as you?
Hizaki: Don't go out on the weekends. Don't make any friends. Lock yourself in your room and practice. That's what I heard from the guitarist of Slipknot. *laugh*
If you could wear one of the other band member's outfits, what would you wear?
Jasmine: Yuki's, because it's so cool. (Translator actually translated it as fashionable, but cool or stylish is more correct)
Teru: Hizaki's, because I have great confidence I would look great in it.
Kamijo: *looks Teru straight in the face and says rather pointedly* I'd look better than you would.
Yuki: Jasmine's
Hizaki: It's not so much the outfit, but I'd like to swap characters with Teru.
Do you listen to any other bands from other countries?
Teru: I love European metal bands!
Hizaki: I like the Brazillian band Angra. (the translator didn't get this, another fan did)
Yuki: Sting and U2
Kamijo: Within Temptation (again, the translator didn't get this, but a fan did, resulting in much, MUCH cheering)
Jasmine: Eric Clapton
Hizaki and Teru: At what age did you start playing guitar?
Hizaki: I started playing when I was three hundred and forty-three years old (the translator had to confirm this one twice)
Teru: Three. *puts his head down on the table and cracks up as Kamijo does a fake-smack to his head* *Jasmine pets his shoulder like*